

so i was looking up things about officants and ordained ministries online and i thought wow. how much cheaper and not to mention special would it be to have a close friend of ours become ordained and do the ceremony for us!
so i got to thinking...and doug came into our heads so i call him up and he says he would be honored. so im thinking for us to just pay for his certificate and that is like 270 off the cost it would be to hire someone we dont even know..
and after our wedding he could even be hired for other peoples weddings also!
how cool..

so i feel this much more accomplished that we now have an officant! :)
i already have the basics of the ceremony all completed.

oh in other news , im trying to get my list to stay at and around 150. no more than 175, i know ive been saying 175 people but now im thinking thats toooo manyyy peopleee. so im cutting it to 150. give or take a few.

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