
Meet the Fockers....er The Greenes

So this past trip to Houston was so my parents and kellys parents could meet.YES i know after 3 1/2 years of being together our parents have never met. his do live an hour south of houston GOSH. SO anyway we met up at spaghetti warehouse at 1 o'clock downtown, ate food and sat around and listened to our parents talk for about 2 hours. it was odd. you would think they would talk about us, but they didnt! they talked about where they grew up and old vietnam tv shows. it didnt go as bad as i thought it would. so then we left and went to look at new furniture at ikea.

oh today i ordered swatches of the maid of honor dress for lyn. 30 bucks but it will help in picking colors. it looks alot like the ribbon we bought so im sure it will do fine. i think we are getting this dress in kiwi instead of the proposed celadon, now i look at the picture i think its too light of a dress.
also the swatches will help me pick the ties.

since doug the officiant is our friend that he should wear the same color tie as martin the best man?

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